Pannon Philharmonic

europa cantat


Change of Programme but the Secret Remains

The programme of our orchestra’s concert on 3 December has changed. Click here for details.

Dear Audience!

This season of the Pannon Philharmonic is redolent of harmony hidden in proportions including the divine proportion otherwise known as the golden ratio which has inspired all branches of art, as well as music, several times. According to our plans the Kodály-Breitner season ticket series was meant to present the almost mystical proportion through Leonardo Fibonacci, Italian mathematician, and his famous sequence.

Please note that for technical reasons this mystery will be uncovered at a later date. However, we don’t intend to leave your curiosity unsatisfied so we are going to provide you with interesting puzzles, namely symphonic secrets at our concert on 3 December. For further information about the programme of the concert please click here.

We are delighted to welcome you in December as well.


Event Calendar

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