Pannon Philharmonic

europa cantat


Golden Wedding Anniversary with Our Subscribers

"If I count it right, my husband and I have been subscribers of the symphonic orchestra of Pécs for a round half a century – so if there is a "golden wedding anniversary" between the orchestra and the audience, then we will celebrate it this year. For decades, we have been at all important classical concert in Pecs."- Dr. Elek Sélley and his wife listen to the music of the orchestra of Pécs for nearly half a century.

"The reason is obvious: we love music. We go to both subscription series of the Pannon Philharmonic; we do have season tickets for the Breitner Series and the Maestro (renamed as Pannonicum Series) as well; in fact, we always buy Master Series season ticket, too. The truth is that we enjoy watching the development of the orchestra of Pécs. We really liked the past music directors, but we also love Bogányi Tibor, because he is an intelligent, open, direct personality. And we always buy season tickets, because so we go to the concerts for sure; with occasionally bought tickets, there certainly would be breaks. This concert centre is made for us. We have not even thought that we would have such a beautiful and wonderfully sounding concert hall, which is in addition just an easy walk away from city centre, in our lifetime."
Dr. Elek Sélley and Ms. Sélley


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