This year, the Pannon Philharmonic is contributing to the Baptist Charity Service’s action, as well, on one hand as a shoe box receiving point, on the other hand as a presenter of gifts. In addition to that that the orchestra’s musicians and management members make a gift box, too, for all those who are giving over their shoebox to our representative at the Kodály Centre ticket office, we are giving a ticket for the Pannon Philharmonic’s Advent Concert for families and children on 23 December, as saying thanks.
The Baptist Charity Service’s shoebox action reached Hungary a decade ago; at that time, the children in need received the packets for Christmas coming from Western Europe.
In 2004, the Charity Service launched first independent action of our country, of which motto is "Ten thousand children's Christmas." In 2006, each county had a present receiving location and the motto got a meaning, too: the number of the domestic donors has grown to ten-thousand - but those little children in need, not even hoping for a Christmas present were unfortunately more in number; and there are still.
This year, also the Pannon Philharmonic stood by to the action of the Baptist Charity Service; on one hand as a shoe box receiving point, on the other hand as a presenter of gifts. In addition to that that the orchestra’s musicians and management members make a gift box, too, for all those who are giving over their shoebox to our representative at the Kodály Centre ticket office, we are giving a ticket for the Pannon Philharmonic’s Advent Concert for families and children on 23 December, as saying thanks.To the shoe box action, anyone who wants to bring joy to a child who cannot have a true family holiday, a present – because of his or her financial status, or physical health, or lack of family ties can join. The total value of the gift is not important, but the love with which you compile a small package.
Into the box wrapped in colourful paper can be put any nice, kind, loving, non-fragile gift; you may indicate the gender and age of a child you are intending to give it for. Those who cannot wrap a box, but would like to bring joy to a child, it is enough to give the gifts given to the orchestra’s band's co-worker, who will arrange for the festive packaging.
The shoe box gifts, which will have been collected until December 18, the Baptist Charity Service will deliver to the needy children before the festivities, through its nationwide network of volunteer.