The King's Herald
(chorus master: Tamás Lakner)
Ticket Prices: A gálakoncertre 2200 és 1000 Ft-os áron lehet jegyet váltani, a bormustrára 3200 Ft-ért, mely belépő egy 700 Ft-os jeggyel kiegészítve a gálakoncert meghallgatására is feljogosít.
At this evening, from 4.30 p. m., the winers of Villány are holding a wine show, which will be followed by a jolly gala concert. The history of wine songs is dated from ancient times; the exitement caused by wine comsumption inspired the poets of antiquity, already. In the Hungarian literature and music, this genre got especially popular in the 19th century. At the concert, our audience can hear a selection of the most important wine-songs of music history.
The concert is a co-production of the Pécs Male Choir Fundation and the Pannon Philharmonic.