Pannon Philharmonic

europa cantat


A Trip with the SnailShell!

9 Jun 2012. 10:00 | Éger tető (Éger-top)

For Children (0-8 years) |


Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra

About the Programme

The team of the Snail House plans a trip to Égertető, and up there, a joyful music-making and a competition-game. If you like to take a hike with dear friends, and participate at some outdoor busy-music, join to Csigapó and the SnailTeam!


Meeting: Égervölgyi parkoló (parking lot at Égervölgy), at 9:15 or on the Égertető at 10:00.

The organizer Szabolcs Kiss (20/449-8622) alias Csigapó (UncleSnail) provides a whole bucket of biscuits for the SnailHouse picnic! "Bring your dad and mom and grandma and grandpa, and a well-packed cooler box, too!" According to the forecast: the weather will be a nice!

Event Calendar

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