Riccardo Frizza studied at Conservatory of Music in Milan and at Chigiana Academy in Siena. In 1998 he won the International Competition of South Bohemia State-Philharmonic Conductors (Czech Republic). From 1994 to 2000, he was the resident conductor of the Symphonic Orchestra of Brescia, performing Beethoven’s Symphonies and other… More
soprano - Elvira, Daughter of Lord Walton
tenor - Lord Arturo Talbot, a Cavalier
tenor - Sir Bruno Robertson
bariton - Richard Forth, a Puritan Colonel
basso - Sir George, Lord Walton’s Brother
basso - Lord Walton, Governor, a Puritan
mezzo-soprano - Enrichetta di Francia (Madame Vill
Soldiers, Men-at-Arms, Heralds, Countrymen and Wom
stage and costume design