In 2017/2018, he is spending his seventh season as chief conductor of the Pannon Philharmonic.
Tibor Bogányi is of Hungarian descent and is regarded as the most interesting and talented member of the generation of Finnish conductors. At the age of 28 he was appointed Chief Conductor of… More
Series ticket price: 27.400 (D/Ny: 22.900) >> 23.400 (D/Ny: 19.700) >> 18.400 (D/Ny: 17.500)
If Mendelssohn's piano concerts were to be summed up by an instruction to musicians, allegro brillante would probably be the most inventive one. Light melodies, glittering virtuosity, and the fairy-tale-story-like style of early romanticism characterize these works. On the other hand, Bruckner's symphonies, whose monumental structures were inspired by Wagner's music dramas and the centuries-old traditions of German ecclesiastical and secular music, are quite the opposite of that. These two sounds give the visual title of the concert, which offers an imaginary walk in Mendelssohn's Fairies’ garden and Bruckner's cathedral.