In 2017/2018, he is spending his seventh season as chief conductor of the Pannon Philharmonic.
Tibor Bogányi is of Hungarian descent and is regarded as the most interesting and talented member of the generation of Finnish conductors. At the age of 28 he was appointed Chief Conductor of… More
The King's Herald
With the first concert of the Musician Society on 9 December 1811, the Haydn-pupil Georg Lickl (1769-1843) lay down the foundation stone of the symphonic music in Pécs. “His active life proves that the musical sensibility of a town is never created by travelling virtuosi but those ones who engage their talents to the place, chosen by themselves.” (Péter Szkladányi) Lickl’s works in Pécs were mainly church music. He worked together with the librettist of Mozart’s “Magic Flute”, E. Schikaneder, during his Austrian years; several works of him were played at Schikaneder’s theatre. Among them, Die Haushaltung nach der Mode oder der 30jährige Bernhardt (Decent Household, or the 30-year-old Bernhardt) had its premiere on 15th March 1794. The two-act opera is based on Franz Heufeld’s comedy, with the lyrics of Joseph A. Haselbeck. The work has not been staged since Lickl’s death; it is a rarity, though.