Pannon Philharmonic

europa cantat


Mozart: The Magic Flute - abridged, Performed by the Pécs University Orchestra and students of the Art Faculty of the University of Pécs.

20 May 2011. 18:00 | Kodály Centre


Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra


Balázs Kocsár

About the Programme

Director/Story teller: Zoltán Horváth

Story teller: Zoltán Horváth
Tamino: Viktor Geleta
I. Dame: Enikő Krum
II. Dame: Judit Bercsényi
III. Dame: Judit Lantos
Papageno: Márton Németh
Pamina: Boglárka Vízvári
Monostatos: Gábor H. Szabó
I. Lad: Johanna Nagy
II. Lad: Mariann Mudrák
III. Lad: Zsuzsanna Ádám
Papagena: Beáta Breinich
Sarastro: Máté Szécsi
Queen of the Night: Melinda Szente
Pécs University Orchestra
Repetiteur: Judit Horváth

The Magic Flute (German: Die Zauberflöte, K.620) is an opera in two acts, one of the most played works composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791). The opera has many layers and has something to tell for people of any ages. The children and teenagers can enjoy the tale and the melodies but the grown-ups could face the mysterious freemason thoughts as well. Several songs of the play have become very popular, e. g. the duet of Papegeno and Papagena or the Queen of the Night's famous coloratura aria. As the clumsy Papageno’s role model, Mozart himself might have been chosen by his librettist friends.

Ticket prices generally: HUF 1500
Tickets can be purchased at the Kodály Centre (7622 Pécs, Breuer Marcell sétány 4.), at the Ticket Expressz offices throughout the country, and online at

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