Pannon Philharmonic

europa cantat


"Rafting" BeanSack with Csiribiri Gym-Game

20 Nov 2012. 16:00 | Kodály Centre

For Children (0-8 years) | BeanSack Series |


Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra

Ticket Prices: 990 Ft/gyerek, 500 Ft/kísérő (A kísérő jegye kuponként beváltható a zenekar esti hangversenyeire felnőtt, teljes árú jegy vásárlása esetén.)

About the Programme

You can attend the new kind of BeanSack concerts, where some Csiribiri Gym-Game is waiting for the families attending. The series is supported by the Rafting Optika. The children between 1-3 years of age, visiting the concerts, are invited together with their moms and dads for some gym activities, approx. 30 minutes long, during which the little ones could explore to the joy of movement in space – with the help of the Golden Apple (Aranyalma) Playhouse and Developer Centre. There is a popular and indispensable accessory for the games - a huge parachute, which allows children to come closer to each other; they can perform exercises together, and they can play in it with some help of their parents. At the end of the session, to the calming, relaxing song, the musicians are joining with their instruments; then the instrumental music is taking over the leading role. With this innovative initiative, the orchestra aims that the kids after being mobilized with some fast-paced, active play and calming down get more open to the experience of listening to music. Another novelty is that with the ticket, priced symbolically, both parents can participate at a Bean Bag programme; and the parents’ ticket can be used as a redeemable voucher at any evening concert you are purchasing an adult ticket for.

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