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Tímea Vermes and Her Friends – Opera, Operetta, and Musical Gala

28 Dec 2014. 19:00 | Kodály Centre

For Grown-Ups |


Symphonietta of Pécs


Katalin Váradi


Tímea Vermes


Ticket Prices: 4990, 3990

About the Programme

The Kodály Centre Concert Hall is housing the gala concert that Tímea Vermes and her friends take the stage at for the fourth year in a row. This year, Timea's honorary guests at the concert of this popular series will be two Kossuth Prize-winner artist, Margit Bangó and Ilona Tokody. In the first half of the evening, the opera and operetta genres get a leading role, including Puccini, Donizetti, Mozart operas, as well as Strauss and Lehar operettas. After the intermission, the gala concert offers extracts from musicals and film music, and blending of two genres: "popera" hits to the fans of easier musical programmes. On the conductor's podium, we can welcome Maestra Katalin Váradi.

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