Twelve years of piano studies at the Targu Mures Arts Lyceum; two years of private study with the composer Boldizsár Csíky; Balthasar five years of conducting study led by Ervin Lukács, András Ligeti, and Tamás Gál, after having admitted with maximum score to Franz Liszt Academy of Music… More
a „layman”, who asks questions
a "pro", who has the answers
"It’s very difficult but worth the pains" – said about Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto in B flat minor Hans von Bülow, who premiered the work in 1875. It is one of the most redoubtable concertos, full with passion and pathos. We investigated how can be a piece written in B flat minor while the beginning of it is definitely in D flat major; and there shall be also come light why are more than one cadence-like parts in a movement.