Pannon Philharmonic

europa cantat


Help, Classical Music! 6

24 May 2014. 18:00 | Kodály Centre

For Youth (8+ years) | |


  • Dohnányi Ernő: American Rhapsody
  • Dohnányi Ernő: Konzertstück for Cello and Orchestra


Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra


András Vass

Twelve years of piano studies at the Targu Mures Arts Lyceum; two years of private study with the composer Boldizsár Csíky; Balthasar five years of conducting study led by  Ervin Lukács, András Ligeti, and Tamás Gál, after having admitted with maximum score to Franz Liszt Academy of Music… More


dr. Zoltán Beck

a „layman”, who asks questions

László Gönczy

a "pro", who has the answers

About the Programme

"When I was thinking about what kind of a piece should this be, it was obvious that to this occasion would suit something American. This led me to the idea to write a rhapsody using American folk songs as Liszt did  it in his Hungarian Rhapsodies" – said Dohnányi about the creation of his works. At a concert, we are to going to discover the musical styles of the rhapsodies and the concertos; and reveal, why did the composer write a musical piece exactly with an American theme.

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