Twelve years of piano studies at the Targu Mures Arts Lyceum; two years of private study with the composer Boldizsár Csíky; Balthasar five years of conducting study led by Ervin Lukács, András Ligeti, and Tamás Gál, after having admitted with maximum score to Franz Liszt Academy of Music… More
Ticket Prices: 1500 Ft
Do you think that money is just a tool of business or a tool of power, as well? The #NoBabel on December 2 is checking out where and how shows up #money, #power and intrigue in music.
To make all of this more exiting, you are going to get an answer for that question from a financial coach’s view, too. The place is there, the pillows spread around in the Kodály Centre’s concert hall are waiting only for you that you can learn about another new side of music, sitting comfortably. Are you ready?