Twelve years of piano studies at the Targu Mures Arts Lyceum; two years of private study with the composer Boldizsár Csíky; Balthasar five years of conducting study led by Ervin Lukács, András Ligeti, and Tamás Gál, after having admitted with maximum score to Franz Liszt Academy of Music… More
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The transcriptions, variations, quotes and reminiscences were characteristic for each period of music history; there are almost countless pieces of music or parts of music pieces that exist in different versions exist, and thus after some time will have been re-interpreted in a changed in musical and historical context. In case of Brahms' last symphony, this re-interpretation is not likely to have major significance for the reception of the work: it is considered just as an interesting fact that the piece in E minor, premiered in 1885, was published in a two-piano version, as well. Unlike the other two works! Bach’s passacaglia was primarily re-orchestrated by Ottorino Resphigi who, by reshaping the organ work of his great predecessor work into a symphonic orchestral piece, re-created the music of Bach. So did Richard Strauss, who summoned his own, almost sixty years earlier symphonic poem, Death and Transfiguration in the closing movement Im Abendrot (In the Afterglow) of the Four Last Song as an effective expression of passing away.