Pannon Philharmonic

europa cantat


Previous Concerts


November 2024. October 2024. September 2024. August 2024. July 2024.

Eisemann - Zágon - Somogyi: Fekete Péter (The Loser)

07. October 2016.  19:00
Conductor: Zoltán Bókai
Place: 7621 Pécs, 17 Perczel street , National Theatre of Pécs

Latin Saxophone

01. October 2016.  18:00
Conductor: Korsten Gérard
Place: 7621 Pécs, Breuer Marcell Promenade 4. , Kodály Centre


25. September 2016.  19:30
Conductor: Bence Uzsaly
Place: 7621 Pécs, Breuer Marcell Promenade 4. , Kodály Centre

20th European Wine Wine-Song Festival and Gala Concert

24. September 2016.  19:30
Conductor: Dobszay Péter − Lakner Tamás
Place: 7621 Pécs, Breuer Marcell Promenade 4. , Kodály Centre

Musical Trip to Europe’s Countries

20. September 2016.  19:00
Place: UofP Liszt Hall, Zsolnay Cultural Quarter E22

BeanSack 1

20. September 2016.  16:00
Place: 7621 Pécs, Breuer Marcell Promenade 4. , Kodály Centre

Peter Shaffer - Miklós Vajda: Amadeus

11. September 2016.  19:00
Conductor: Zoltán Bókai
Place: 1065 Bp. Nagymező street 22-24. , Thalia Theatre, Budapest

Oedipus Rex

08. September 2016.  19:00
Conductor: Tibor Bogányi
Place: 7621 Pécs, Breuer Marcell Promenade 4. , Kodály Centre

Gala Concert on the Day of the City

01. September 2016.  19:00
Conductor: Tibor Bogányi
Place: 7621 Pécs, Breuer Marcell Promenade 4. , Kodály Centre

Armel: Elegy for Young Lovers

02. July 2016.  19:00
Conductor: Gergely Vajda
Place: 1065 Bp. Nagymező street 22-24. , Thalia Theatre, Budapest

Event Calendar

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