Pannon Philharmonic

europa cantat


Five Colours: FIRERED

11 Apr 2014. 19:30 | Béla Bartók National Concert Hall (Palace of Arts)

For Grown-Ups | Pannon Series 2013/2014 Palace of Arts, Budapest |


  • Mogyeszt Petrovics Muszorgszkij: Night on Bald Mountain
  • Ludwig van Beethoven: Triple Concerto
  • Antonín Dvořák: Klid (Silent Woods)
  • Igor Sztravinszkij: The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) - Suite from the Ballet (1919 version)


Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra


András Vass

Twelve years of piano studies at the Targu Mures Arts Lyceum; two years of private study with the composer Boldizsár Csíky; Balthasar five years of conducting study led by  Ervin Lukács, András Ligeti, and Tamás Gál, after having admitted with maximum score to Franz Liszt Academy of Music… More


Dénes Várjon


Ticket Prices: 5.990 Ft, 4.990 Ft, 3.990 Ft, 1.000 Ft

About the Programme

Mussorgsky considered his work, the “Night on a Bare Mountain” as his first major orchestral composition; however, his teacher, Balakirev had some censures, so it lay in his drawer, banished - and even nowadays cannot be heard in the original version. It became known in the transcription of Rimsky -Korsakov, who did not only re-orchestrate it, but also made some formal changes. The visionary world of the witches' Sabbath is much creepier by the young Mussorgsky; and the first formulation contains much more daring musical innovations than the well-known version. Stravinsky's ballet music was more fortunate, The Firebird brought to his young composer a great success and a breakthrough; he became well-known instantly. Like Mussorgsky’s witch story, The Firebird is derived from the world of folk legend; it is a Slavic fairy tale about the magic bird, a wizard, a prince and a princess. Beethoven 's Triple Concerto and especially Dvorak’s Silent Woods for cello and orchestra represent classical harmony and resting point in the show, as some counterpoint to the two other compositions.

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